This partial English Version is brought to you by the Protestant Academy in the Rhineland (Ev. Akademie im Rheinland)

Theology and Science – are not these opposites?

Introduction by Andreas Losch

To begin with, the common belief that theology and science are contradictory to each other, like fire and water, is a myth. The historical development and discussion of the two disciplines, even in the case of Galileo and Darwin, is much more complex and therefore more exciting than this view suggests. 



The Cry of the Earth and the Demise of Wisdom

Editorial by Celia Deane-Drummond

Looked at theologically, the devastation of the earth through human activities is not simply a threat to present and future generations. Rather, as different rhythmic patterns within the earth system are destroyed or disrupted, so dimensions of God’s original creativity through wisdom are lost. Letting wisdom slip away amounts to a loss of our humanity, even while it is still possible to tune into natural wisdom and so gesture towards an earth that is capable of being restored.
